Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Granny Camp 101

There are all sorts of summer camps out there, but none probably more fun and exciting than Granny Camp 101. It's a week at the grandparents house where Big "B" gets to be with them by herself, gets all the attention, goes to Vacation Bible School, swims everyday, is showered with gifts, gets to play with her cousins in the afternoon, and gets to forget about following her parents' rules...AND even forgets her parents altogether!!!

It was different not having her around for a week. I thought about her all day, everyday, especially at night when I'm used to snuggling up with her in my bed. I called her everyday. Most of the time she was too busy to talk and she NEVER called us except on the day we went to pick her up. When she called, she asked if we were on our way to get her. I thought I'd "joke" her, so, I said we had decided to let her stay another week thinking she would be heartbroken about not getting to see us. Wrong!!! Instead I was the one that was heartbroken. She got so excited, she put down the phone to go tell her grandmother the good news.

As bummed as I was about the situation, it made me think back to when I was a kid and spent the night with my grandparents. It was always so much fun! I got to stay up late, watch cartoons on cable TV (which we didn't have), play board games for hours and hours and eat whatever I wanted. I got to go shopping and pick out prizes. It's the same way with my parents now as it was with my grandparents then. It's no wonder Big "B" wasn't ready to come back home to us.

I know the memories she makes at Granny Camp 101 each year will be some of the most special. My mom and dad were great parents but they are INCREDIBLE grandparents. And as much as I miss Big "B" during that week I am grateful for their relationship...in fact, I'm a little jealous. It makes me want to call all my grandparents and see if they might be interested in hosting a Granny Camp for me this summer. It also makes me think about the Granny Camp I'll host for my grandchildren one day...and the payback Big "B" will get when I send her children back home ---SPOILED ROTTEN!

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